Monday Night Mixed League
Monday Night Mixed League Starts May 9th, 2022 Time: 6:00 - Try to be early
Welcome to the 2022 PVGC Mixed League!
Teams are made up just before play each night and there are no rules about how the teams are made up.
There is a $1.00 charge per player to play and there will be 2 prizes. $1.00 to each player on the winning team and the rest to the player with the longest putt/chip in so there is no carry over and no statistics are kept.
For information on the Monday League, you can call the course at 780-727-2797 or Harold at 780-542-0545. Hope to see you there.
Payouts and Prizes
Winning team money back and prizes for longest putt/chip in.
Meeting New People
Always a way to get to know your neighbors.
Fun Evening
Play some golf, socialize with friends and have some fun.

Tuesday Night Men's League
Men's League Starts - Tuesday - May17th, 2022 Time: 6:30 - Try to be early
Welcome to the 2022 PVGC Men's League!
The League is open to all male golfers who are looking for a night of fun competition with a group of fantastic guys. This is a casual league where you can play golf, socialize with your friends and have some fun.
Teams are picked just before the shotgun start at 6:00pm every Tuesday evening followed by prizes, drinks and a chance to go out for the horse race.
After a round of golf, the guys put together a horse race. Everyone is welcome to join in that as well.
Everyone is welcome. We hope you will join us for a fun filled evening!!

Tuesday Night Ladies League
Ladies League Starts Tuesday - May 17th, 2022 Time: 6:30 - Try to be early
Welcome to the 2022 PVGC Tuesday Night Ladies League!
Please join us for another spectacular season. We welcome all levels of play from beginners to novice. This group of ladies are encouraging, fun and non-competitive.
After a round of golf, you are invited to get together with the horse race crowd.
Everyone is welcome. We look forward to meeting you and we hope you will join us for a fun filled evening!!
Tuesday Night League Member Fees
Every Tuesday night there is a $5 charge that goes towards the evenings prizes such as the longest drives, longest chip in, longest putt. If no one wins the pot it is carried over to the next week.
Tuesday Night League Benefits
Payouts for
Longest drive, chip ins, longest putt
Year End Tournament
This tournament is for all league members and is usually held in September.
Fun Evening
Play some golf, socialize with friends and have some fun.